Young Leaders Awards

Congratulations to our winners!

Business Category

Civil Society Category

Media Category

Politics & Government Category

Sport, Culture & Environment Category

About the awards

Young people have a great potential to make a positive impact on all spheres of our society. They can use their energy, creativity, and enthusiasm to create meaningful change in the world around them.


The youth play an important role in shaping our society. They are the ones who provide much-needed insights about what works and what might not work for a particular community. As such, their ideas and words can influence peers, adults, and even policy decisions.


The DearSA Young Leaders Awards are designed to encourage, acknowledge, and reward the valuable contributions young people are making throughout South Africa.

This initiative aims to identify, acknowledge, and celebrate the top five young South Africans making tangible real-world differences in their communities or nationwide across five categories: 

Politics & Government

Civil Society


Sport, Culture & Environment


The DearSA Young Leaders Awards wants to recognise the significant contributions of young South Africans to their communities and the country as a whole. We wish to highlight the achievements of these dynamic young individuals, lending credence to their work and encouraging others to follow in their footsteps.


Let us… celebrate the work of young South Africans, inspiring others to contribute positively to their communities.

Who we are

DearSA is a non-profit platform that allows the public to co-shape government policies, amendments, and proposals. The organisation has run many successful campaigns and amassed a participant network of over 1.1 million individuals nationwide and beyond. 


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