POLL: Should the South African government take diplomatic or other steps against the Zimbabwean government considering the many concerns raised about the recent elections not being free and fair?

Various observer missions have raised concerns about the fairness, credibility, and transparency of these elections. As a leading nation on the African continent, South Africa has a unique role to play in regional politics and human rights. Do you think our government should respond to the situation in our neighbouring country?

POLL: Should the South African government take diplomatic or other steps against the Zimbabwean government considering the many concerns raised about the recent elections not being free and fair?

DearSA invites you to speak your mind about South Africa’s response to the recent Zimbabwean elections. Various observer missions have raised concerns about the fairness, credibility, and transparency of these elections. As a leading nation on the African continent, South Africa has a unique role to play in regional politics and human rights. Do you think our government should respond to the situation in our neighbouring country?


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