Date: 18 Jul 2024

Speak Up! Review of Colonial and Apartheid-Era Laws

The strength of our laws depends on the strength of public participation and the diversity of voices heard. You are invited to participate in reviewing several key areas of old colonial and Apartheid-era laws. This review aims to ensure that the laws align with the values and principles of our modern democracy.

The strength of our laws depends on the strength of public participation and the diversity of voices heard. You are invited to participate in reviewing several key areas of old colonial and Apartheid-era laws. This review aims to ensure that the laws align with the values and principles of our modern democracy. Your input is essential in this process. Here are the four areas of legislation being examined:

  1. Laws Affecting Free Expression: The first document looks at laws like the Trespass Act, Indemnity Acts, Prohibition of Disguises Act, and the Criminal Procedure Act. These laws are checked for how they impact our right to speak and express ourselves freely. Your opinions will help decide if these laws are still needed and how they might be updated to fit today's values.
  2. Laws Governing Investigatory Bodies: The second document reviews laws like the Commissions Act, Inquests Act, South African Law Reform Commission Act, and the Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation Act. These laws define the powers and procedures for investigations. Public input is crucial to ensure these laws are fair and effective in promoting justice and transparency.
  3. Public Order Laws: The third document focuses on laws that deal with public gatherings and assemblies, like the Riotous Assemblies Act. These laws, from a time of strict state control, are being reviewed for their relevance today. Your feedback is needed to decide if these laws should stay, be changed, or be removed to support the right to gather and express ourselves freely.
  4. Sunday Observance Laws: The fourth document looks at laws that restrict activities on Sundays, like the Sunday Observance Ordinance and the Lord’s Day Observance Act. These laws were originally meant to preserve Sunday as a day of rest and religious observance. We want to know if you think these laws are still relevant or if they should be changed to better fit modern life and freedoms.

Public participation is essential in shaping fair and just laws that respect our freedoms and promote justice. By sharing your views, you help ensure our laws reflect today's values and principles.

Your input is invaluable. Share your thoughts and help shape the future of our legal system. Click here to learn more and submit your comments. Your voice is important. Join the conversation and help create a legal system that fits our modern democratic values.

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