Closes: 09 Jun 2024

Have your say on the National Policing Standards for Municipal Police Services

The two documents outline national standards for municipal policing in South Africa regarding arrest procedures and crowd management.

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Summary of the proposed amendments:


The two documents outline national standards for municipal policing in South Africa regarding arrest procedures and crowd management.


The first document, "Municipal Standard Arrest," discusses the procedures and legal requirements for arresting individuals, focusing on the lawful conditions and treatment of arrested persons until they are handed over to a community service centre commander. It emphasises the importance of adhering to constitutional rights, ensuring arrests are conducted with proper authority, minimum force, and appropriate information delivery about the detainee's rights. The document extensively covers scenarios like arresting without a warrant, handling domestic violence cases, the physical execution of arrests, and subsequent procedures such as informing the employer, transporting, and securing the detainee.


The second document, "Municipal Standard for Crowd Management," outlines guidelines for managing crowds during public gatherings and demonstrations to ensure public safety and uphold democratic rights to peaceful assembly, as enshrined in South Africa's constitution. It details the roles of various officers, pre-planning, execution, and post-event procedures, emphasising the use of de-escalation techniques, proportional force, and the necessity of maintaining peace and safety during events that could potentially lead to unrest.


Both documents are detailed manuals designed to guide police services in handling arrests and managing crowds effectively and lawfully, ensuring respect for constitutional rights while maintaining public order and safety.

More about these documents

Key features of this bill:

  • Legal Framework and Rights Awareness: Both documents extensively reference the legal framework governing their procedures, particularly the Constitution of South Africa, emphasising the protection of individual rights. The arrest procedures document highlights the need to inform detainees of their rights, while the crowd management document stresses adherence to the right of peaceful assembly.

  • Detailed Procedural Guidance: Each document provides detailed, step-by-step procedural guidance. For arrests, this includes instructions on how to execute arrests lawfully, manage the detainee's transport, and the documentation required. For crowd management, there are specifics on pre-event planning, operational execution, and post-event actions.

  • Emphasis on Minimal Force and De-escalation: Both documents underline the importance of using the minimal necessary force. The arrest document discusses conditions under which physical force may be applied, while the crowd management standards focus on de-escalation tactics to manage gatherings peacefully.

  • Role Definitions and Responsibilities: The crowd management document defines specific roles such as the Operational Commander, Responsible Officer, and First Responder, detailing their responsibilities in managing events. The arrest document specifies the roles of officers in securing and processing detainees.

  • Training and Equipment Standards: Both documents mention the importance of appropriate training and equipment for police officers to effectively carry out their duties. The crowd management standards discuss the use of less lethal weapons and the need for personal protective equipment to ensure both public and officer safety.

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