
Have your say on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill

Have your say

The South African government is considering a new bill that would grant education department heads the authority to establish language policies. 

Some other amendments to the Bill include:

  • Give government department heads control over language policies and curricula.
  • Enforce grade R as the compulsory school start, not grade 1.
  • Require registration for home-schooled learners.
  • Criminalise parents failing to ensure school attendance, with possible fines or jail time.
  • Increase financial disclosure accountability for school bodies and their relations.
  • Prohibit educators from conducting state business or leading such companies.
  • Abolish corporal punishment and initiation/hazing.
  • Allow schools to sell alcohol outside school hours.
Margaret van Tonder commented 2 hours ago
Carol Smit commented 30 mins ago
Pieter de Jager commented 2 hours ago
Kyle Schneider commented 15 mins ago
Carolyn Schmidt commented 1 hour ago
Michelle Smith commented 5 mins ago
Musa Dhlamini commented 2 hours ago
Yolanda Kriel commented 1 hour ago

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About this bill

The Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill in South Africa aims to make significant changes to the South African Schools Act of 1996. It introduces several key provisions, including the compulsory attendance of grade R (preschool), enhances the authority of the Head of Department in admitting learners to public schools, and requires public school governing bodies to submit admission and language policies for approval. The bill also grants South African Sign Language official language status in public schools, allows for multiple languages of instruction when practicable, and provides for centralised procurement of learning materials. It addresses issues related to school conduct, drug possession, suspension, and expulsion, emphasising age-appropriate disciplinary procedures and the prohibition of corporal punishment and initiation practices. Furthermore, the bill covers various aspects of governing bodies’ functions, financial matters, and the closure of public schools, while extending regulations for home education and creating dispute resolution mechanisms. It also amends the Employment of Educators Act to restrict educators from conducting business with the State and extends the powers of the Minister to make regulations in the education sector.

These changes are intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of South Africa’s education system by addressing various administrative and disciplinary issues, promoting linguistic diversity, and enhancing oversight and accountability in the education sector.

Key amendments:

  1. Compulsory Grade R Attendance: The bill makes attending Grade R (pre-school) compulsory for children.
  2. School Attendance Enforcement: It amends penalties for parents or others who prevent a learner from attending school without just cause and creates an offence for disrupting school activities.
  3. Admission Policies: The bill enhances the authority of the Head of Department in admitting learners to public schools and requires public school governing bodies to submit admission and language policies for approval.
  4. Language and Sign Language: South African Sign Language becomes an official language for learning in public schools, and multiple languages of instruction may be adopted where feasible.
  5. Curriculum Advisory: The Minister gains the authority to appoint individuals or groups to advise on curriculum and assessment matters.
  6. Inclusive Code of Conduct: Public school codes of conduct must consider diverse cultural beliefs, religious practices, and medical circumstances of learners, with an exemption clause.
  7. Drug and Alcohol Regulations: The bill refines rules on drug possession and sets conditions for liquor possession, sale, and consumption on school premises.
  8. Suspension and Expulsion: Serious misconduct is defined, and corporal punishment at school activities and hostels is prohibited. Initiation practices during school activities are also banned.
  9. Specialised Schools: Public schools with specialised talent-focused education are designated.
  10. Governing Bodies: Various changes regarding governing body functions, dissolution, declaration of interests, remuneration prohibition, and elections are made.
  11. School Closure: Provisions for public school closures are extended and refined.
  12. Lease Agreements: Lease agreements for school property must be approved by the Executive Council, with exceptions for short-term leases.
  13. Budget and Financial Reporting: The bill further regulates public school budgets, remuneration, and financial reporting.
  14. Home Education: Home education regulations are updated.
  15. False Information: Supplying false or misleading information or forged documents to a public school when applying for admission or fee exemption becomes an offence.
  16. Dispute Resolution: A dispute resolution mechanism is established for disputes between the education authorities and governing bodies.
  17. State Liability: The bill refines the state’s liability for damages in delictual or contractual cases.
  18. Ministerial Regulations: The Minister gains expanded powers to make regulations, with potential offenses created through these regulations.

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117 Responses

  1. I do not believe this bill is right . These decisions should be made by a cilds family

    1. I don’t think the majority of parents are equipped to make all these complex decision. Sale of alcohol!? Good God!!!!

      1. Only the anc can think of shit like this for our children .. if that is the way you want to teach your children then do it but leave our childtren out of you communist dicisions .. I DONT AGREE WITH ANY OF YOU PLANS

  2. The bench mark should be to reduce the involvement of government and allow the schools governing bodies to regulate the needs of the students.
    The past 30 years have demonstrated the truth that minimally educated ministers and their praise singers have dismally failed to do their jobs.

  3. Parents to be jailed for not taking children I don’t fully support that I think it should be the governmental responsibility to support parents financially to take their kids to school. The expulsion of children from school should be handed over to the psychologists and social workers to find out the situation at home and each school should employ the psychologists and teat written to ensure that children will do well in certain subject. The subjects teachers should ensure that their subjects are enjoyable not hated.

  4. Absolutely NOT.
    There’s no way that they can all be thrown into one option!
    Everything the ANC touches turns into a total failure.
    Escom. S.African Airways. Our SAR’s. Etc.
    Need l say more???

  5. Absolutely not!! This goverment has proved itself to be a dismal failure at everything it touches. Our children are our responsibilities and the government has no say in their schooling or otherwise

  6. No! On every level and on every point. Everything the ANC touches turns into a total disaster! Leave our children alone and don’t mess with the education system unless you intend upgrading it. The last two generations can hardly sign their names, much less hold an intelligent conversation.

  7. No – we should have sole rights on the decision of our children’s education. It is a parental decision as each child is different. The only law I would support is that every child be educated in a recognised institution or curriculum.

  8. Talking abut the curriculum and about language media is important, but pales into insignificance compared to access and the widely unequal standards experienced at present.
    We need massive improvement in education facilities and staff for children up to 14, including implementing free provision of education up to Matric, especially in our poorer areas. Without that we are failing our population badly.
    We also need more effort to train teachers in techniques that encourage thinking, which are sadly lacking in much of the education I have seen.
    Only then can we start looking at compulsion.

  9. I do not stand in support of this Bill as the end result thereof, means a community of adults that are irresponsible, schooled but illiterate, most likely to be drunkards and users of drugs and would just heighten the rate of teenage and unplanned pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Not just that – the jmposed independence of children from families breaks the family-value chain, seeing more and more children who would grow up to not be family oriented. Often times, people who are not family-centred are selfish, tend to be depressed and may become poor performers as a result of a lack of emotional support from loved ones.

    This bill needs to be thought about beyond the learners just veing children. We need to look at how this would impact the learners in their development stages, and the kind of adults it could possibly influence them to become.

    It is not a good look!

  10. No no no Our education system is already failing under the ANC even with a 30%pass rate
    God give us grace thatwe willnever have to put up with further ANC failing ideas

  11. I do not support this bill. What the government should do is concentrate on the condition of school facilities and not overpopulate classrooms and look at the training and education of teachers. Schools must be control by body Corps and the parents. The government has Showen that they cannot control anything without turning it into disaster and corruption. All the money that has been stolen up to date by all the department is the reason why this country is in a state of collapse.

  12. I do not support the bill in the present form. Parents rights should trump government input. Government should use tax money for infrastructure and alcohol should never be sold or served at a school.

  13. No! Parents have the right to educate their children in the language, culture and religion of their choice. What is important to the parents, must be transferred to their children.

  14. The authority of parents over their children’s care and education is a basic right that only totalitarian rulers wish to interfere with. When they do so, they inevitably use it to impose worldviews and ethical standards to the detriment of the education of chldren and pf national family life.
    We have seen that trend in current government decisions around sexuality education in our country. We have also seen the extremely low outcomes of education for children in our schools, and we reject an pressure to be forced into using such inferior service.
    There is no way we dare trust the administration with extended power over our children’s education at the cost of our freedom to oversee our children’s nurture and growth.

  15. No I don’t . Government cannot enforce the language of instruction upon learners. It will do much harm to a child’s development. Also government cannot enforce a cultural change on a school. That is the task of the parents . Government should rather budget for building extra schools where the need exists.

  16. As a long retired teacher/lecturer, experienced TEACHERS should be the decision makers. The basic need of the pupils today are not being met. How many can read with understanding, write a reasoned critique or even do competent arithmetic.

  17. It is The parent’s responsibility to influence the child – that is how God made it and gave us guidelines in His Word.
    These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. Hear, Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your ancestors, promised you. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.
    (Deu 6:1-13)

  18. No i do not suppoert the Bella Bill. 1 cannot allow that a teenager can make a choice without parents influence to have an abortion. The educator have to assist this learner and are not allowed to inform parents then they will receive jail time. 2nd reason allow government to tell the homeschoolers and others what language to teach and what curricula. They cant even run the country properly. To close down schools that is poor instead of funding them and repairing them so that the school can thrives. To close down homeschoolers because they don’t follow your way in language and curricula. Those students improved more and have more success rates than those run by government. 3 to make it compulsary for grade R learners to start school. Those poor children still have to play not learning how to write and read and do basic maths. And stand against all what this bill stands for. Really selling alcohol and teaching sex education in school instead of teaching them trait skills so when they leave school to become responsible young adults. Not incontroleble druggies leave school because of pregnancies, and I stand against abortion. This is not according to the Bible. Why take Christianity out of school. They also have a right to their religion just like the others. And bring back corporal punishment. Educators are there to teach not teaching discipline and manners and sex ect. Or fighting fir their lives.

  19. The reach of political influence into education is already too great. It should be reduced, not increased. The only positive aspect of this bill is the item prohibiting teachers from engaging in state business and companies, as they should concentrate on their teaching.
    It intends to take away freedoms that belong to parents as the lawful authority in households. Governments are not the lawful authority inside the household units that are functioning normally.
    The Education Department has NOT proved that they are able to educate or manage education. For the past 30 years it is a failed department.
    Children are given to parents not governments. Parents have the right and privilege to decide how their children are educated. Governments have only their political interests at heart, not the pupils wellbeing.
    It is a democratic right to choose the school and language you prefer to teach your child.
    There have not been any significant success stories from this department in the last 30 years – why they think this bill will change anything baffles me. Other than putting them in the pound seats to bully schools they don’t like. There are so many crucial issues – they should stop playing politics and think of the wellbeing of the pupils.

  20. There is a very, VERY simple solution to this dilemma.


    Educators should be writing the laws for children’s education, Parents must bring their children up, and when children can vbe respectful, they can then be admitted to school to be taught what they should be taught.

    It is a very simple matter, politicians do politics, TEACHERS TEACH CHILDREN!!!!!!

  21. Looking through the comments written by most other citizens I find many of the comments valid and applicable. I would say that perhaps 95% of comments and people commenting are of a similar opinion why is it so difficult for our government to understand what and how they should govern our country rather than meddle on systems that have never been the cause of our problems, but the quality, integrity and capacity of government.

  22. I do not support this level of governmental power in education – especially not by a failed government.

    Educators, with experience, should be involved in make suggestions to policy changes – which should then be accepted or approved by parents and governing bodies…..

    As a parent, it is my decision, right and my responsibility to see that my child/children are educated according to our family values – i.e. religion, language and culture – not the State!

    Upgrade schools and their infrastructure – add specialised courses and practical training centres, incorporate technology and assist teachers to be better at teaching the kids, so that the kids will want to participate, learn and engage in class, instead of bunking or being unruly and undisciplined….

    BUT – leave the governing of schools and the decisions regarding what they teach to the parents and governing bodies

  23. No never will I support the change, will be the same as all the changes in the country. Nothing work!!!

  24. Parents must have the right to decide for their children, not any other person or body. Freedom of speech will be impacted by this. And this is not constitutional. Parents and only them.

  25. As a parent it is my right to educate my child in which ever environment I see fit. Be that homeschooling the onus should lie on the curriculum provider to be registered with the education department and not the parent / tutor. The government can’t even govern what it has currently now it wants to further add to it’s portfolio. Govern what you have properly first!!!

  26. I do believe that the Bible should be the guideline. It is no secret that the mother is the first most teacher of every child. thereafter the farther and most importantly the school.
    Grown-ups think they deserve the right of human fairness but so do children. Who is it to choose for them rather than they them selves. Have you ever considered asking a child in which language they want to be taught in instead OF DESIDING FOR THEM?

  27. Social workers should assigned to visit homes of struggling children to find out what are the underlining issues that need to be addressed to make sure that every child attends school and completes their twelve years circle.(2) Build enough vocational training colleges. Example: Soweto need four or five to make it easier and accessible to all children. At the moment it
    has two. Motor mechanics training should be added

  28. Only persons properly qualified, not the government, should make certain decisions about educational laws and regulations. But it should always be submitted to parents and the governing bodies at schools before implementation. But only parents should be responsible for matters concerning their own child’s education. It is hard to understand that the selling of alcohol in schoolsi is even discussed?

  29. This bill is draconic and parents will loose their authority over their children. It is also unconstitutional as the constitution offers education in the language of your choice. Governing will have no power at all.

  30. Socialist states want to have control of all aspects of society. This is wrong and idiots in the ANC will be making idiotic decisions to seek to get out as much as they can for themselves and their despicable comrades.

  31. My personal experience with people who operate from offices and make decisions, is that they generally have no or little knowledge of what happens on the ground.

  32. I strongly object to the fact that the Education Department must approve the language that is recommended by the government body of the school. Each government body must have the final say regarding the language to be used.

  33. I strongly object to the fact that the bill propose thar that language to be used in a school must be approved by the Education Department. The government body of a school should have the final say in this regard.

  34. Schools and parents should be able to decide school policies like language of tuition, parents should also be allowed to determine whether their child should attend grade R. The children generally achieve ripeness to move to a school at different ages & the state has no right to meddle.
    The child is the responsibility of the parent, not of the state!
    The morals of the children rest with the parents and the state has no right to meddle.

  35. The government is concern about the high teenage pregnancies. Why is that? Because let’s give sex education to primary children who is not well educated or mature for that. Teach them to masturbate. So now they wants to sell alcohol as well to under age children. Wow wake up govement!!!!!, I do not stand for your morals.

  36. No I don’t support this bill in its current form. It undermines family structure and takes rights away from parents. The government needs to improve standards of education in its schools before it tries to wield more power over all schools. The current government has shown itself to be incapable or running a country without corruption. Why give them yet more power to destroy what is good.

  37. The government is incompetent. Nobody can rely on them. Parents of schools work very hard to maintain schools. How much money does the Government steal this time?

  38. I don’t support this act it is an old apartheid Act and many other apartheid Acts are revived like the old bantu traditional act in the form of the khoisan act and khoisan is derogatory and hatspeach is the term khoisan peoples like animals given by the German anthropologist this act been declared unconstitutional but the Anc wanted to push it through the current traditional act is the legal act why have two acts proving Anc is busy with an apartheid reversed for the brown people so this Bella Act must be declared unconstitutional by the constitutional court too

  39. No, the government made a mess off almost everything which is under their control. Why did they close all the farm schools ? Now even small children must travell and stay far from home . Please, stay away from our children’s education!!! This is unconstitutional!!!! We do have rights and we are sick and tired and very ashamed off you to call you our government.

  40. Do not support this bill. Everyone knows what happens when government gets too involved with matters. They should do what the do best – nothing. Another way they are trying to control everything. Teen pregnancy and abuse is already high and now you want to add alcohol to the mix?? Makes sense???????????

  41. I vehemently oppose this Bill.It is wrong on so many levels. Parents give birth to their children and now strangers want to control them and influence them perverselyy.

    no no no no to this ungodly bill.

  42. This bill should be burnt. The Government has made a mess of everything they’ve touched.
    The people of South Africa should have full control of their children and their upbringing.

  43. Wow just wow already running the country to the ground and now they want to destroy our kids with crap like this. Imagine me not having control over my own kids madness I say.

  44. The children need to be cared for by the education department and their parents who should treat them with great wisdom in choosing what is best for their future as leaders of this nation. Life is precious and should be treated with respect, honour and good human values

  45. I strongly oppose this bill because as a parent, it is my decision, right and my responsibility to see that my children are educated according to my family values – i.e. religion, language and culture – not the State! Not once did goverment support or financially assisted me in the upbringing of my children and therefore they have no say or authority re my children! People properly qualified as shown by governing bodies that has successfully run and maintained schools should make certain decisions about educational laws and regulations and NOT the goverment! Parents should be responsible for matters concerning their child’s education and well being! So NO NO NO to the Bela bill!!!!

  46. This bill can only lead to a distopian future where no one has any say in anything about our children. The government is failing society as a whole on an unprecedented scale in this country and yet it wants to rack up more spaces where it will dismally fail and yet again blame some past regime for their complete failure and lack of integrity however rich and highly influential forces from outside are laying in wait to take control of this failure and before too long our school system will look like the failed education system in the western world. No good has come from government participation in any private matters and has without fail managed to make it worse witch is no doubt exactly what will happen hare as well. Just look at the failure of tertiary institutions that have basically been taken over by government. And education obtained from such institutions are not recognized in most parts of the world because of this. Do you niw want to have a complete collapse of education in the country too? Almost all government community schools have closed because of bad teachers and poor governance and now you want to hijack the only remaining institutions that still works and destroy them too? Please send the old people in government on pension and leave the hand full of working systems in the country to keep doing its best to keep the country from collapsing as a whole

  47. This government has a clear history of destroying everything they touch/manage, ipso facto schools will go the same way all the SOE’s have gone.

  48. I disagree completely with this bill. As a parent I want full participation in my kids affairs and education at school.

  49. This is nonsensical bigtime. We are being controlled full-time. I say hands off to our kids .this Anc is proving to be a problem in this country we must vote them out .lets be in control of our children all the time .lets fight the system all the way

  50. I do not agree with Govt. getting involved with our children’s lives. Look at our country currently… Wat will become of our kids future.. A definite NO from metr

  51. As with all other law’s and bills ,this ANC government has imposed on us as South Africans,this is the last straw.They might as well take full responsibility for every child in South Africa .I will not be dictated and bullied by this spineless government.They are useless in everything they do, and everything they touch, become Infectious.

  52. NO NO NO!!! Govt should focus on protecting and empowering all people; spending money to build houses, establish reliable transport and put systems in place to feed its people. This bill will create Trauma that no amount of therapy will rectify and Weaken our already fragile country. We will not stand for this. We will NOT!!!

  53. I completely reject and dissaggree with this bela bill in its entirety.. Government should never have the say over the education of children.

  54. I dont agree or support the amendments. A childs parent should be part of any decision about the child. Children are giving rights too early they cannot handle such decisions. The SGB and SMT must decide on the education at schools..They are there and can make a better decision than the goverment.Our goverment cannot make decisions because they themself were not in schools as educators and dont know what is needed.

  55. The governments track record is the destruction of any functioning aspect of our society, replacing these systems with non functioning
    chaos where looting is given the green light.
    They have failed dismally in education in this country.
    No don’t support this bill.

  56. How can anyone control the live of my child I am the parent and only me will decide what happens to my child, not the government nor the education department.

  57. Only parents knows what is best for their kids, not the stupid Government. The Government should focuses on service delivery and keeping their promises. We know what is good for our kids. Government must just deliver study materials as they promised- since last year parents are buying books for their kids. Where are those promised free books?

  58. why don’t they rather concentrate on the issues in the country like crime, jobs, electricity etc, now they want babies to make babies…… isn’t there enough homeless people and thrown-away babies? Concentrate what needs to be done to heal SA first before you want to come with stupid ideas because you do not put in a days work and have time to sit and think of all the nonsense you want to implement, we need to keep our kids safe from harms way, not put them in the middle of it. Please sort out your own house (which i am sure you can’t) before you are trying to run other peoples household and families …………………………….

  59. Keep government out of education and family decisions. Their long track record of failure at basically everything speaks for itself. I like the idea that it is compulsory for children to go to school. Having worked in HR the process of putting children through instead of encouraging them to work harder has led to a society of youth I’ll equipped for the workplace. This leads to massive unemployment which in turn will lead to civil war.
    We need to REMOVE government as far as humanly possible, perhaps even more, from having a say in our daily lives. They are slowly but surely creating a society of brain dead, slave mentality citizens.

  60. I am a retired teacher. The changes ‘they’ put forward seems to me like Marxist
    indoctrination! Please, protect our children! SA has a solid basis of education and it can be compared to the best of the world. LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE!

  61. An absolute no. You cannot be given the authority to take away the rights of parents. Not your children. You have failed this country and its citizens on every possible level so how can you expect the future to be placed in your incapable hands. This act reeks of desperation to claw back but it is not going to happen through our children. Back off and focus on getting the country back on track or hand over the reigns to those who do not put the filling of their own pockets first. This act does not contain any benefits for a child

  62. This is absolutely not on. .how can we allow uneducated individuals to make these decisions!
    I am shocked beyond!
    This Bill cannot be passed!

  63. Absolutely NO – this bill infringes on basic human rights. Parents are solely responsible for their children & should have the final say in all major decisions / choices relating to their children. Democracy allows freedom of choice & this bill totally contradicts this. I am completely against this bill. NO NO. NO. NO.

  64. I totally disagree with this bill the gov want to inpost replace the minister with a more equip person to run our education system perhaps things will then start changing for the better.

  65. No, bill cannot be passed.

    Give government department heads control over language policies and curricula. NO, language should be determined by the school and teachers. English preferred first language in all schools.

    Enforce grade R as the compulsory school start, not grade 1. AGREE.
    Require registration for home-schooled learners. Registration, yes. But no hand in the curriculum. Registered home school options are available and parents may choose. This is a democracy.

    Criminalise parents failing to ensure school attendance, with possible fines or jail time. AGREE.

    Increase financial disclosure accountability for school bodies and their relations. AGREE. Government schools should be held accountable for spending tax payers monies. Private schools should be governed by a private body employed for the private parents paying for the right.

    Prohibit educators from conducting state business or leading such companies. AGREE!

    Abolish corporal punishment and initiation/hazing. AGREE! But allow teachers to warn and later expel bad behaving children. Give teachers another method of punishing. Don’t just leave teachers to fend for themselves and behaving children to suffer alone!

    Allow schools to sell alcohol outside school hours. NO NO NO. No alcohol or smoking on school premises. Especially during sporting events and formal school socials.

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